Monday, October 21, 2013

Sniper Teams Deployed to Keene New Hampshire Pumpkin Festival

Here in America even the most innocent of community activities can be suspected of harboring terrorists or extremist intent on causing harm to the masses.  Especially a community like Keene New Hampshire which boast of being a Libertarian capitol of the country or at least is labeled as such by others. In 2010, Lew Rockwell from the Mises Institut eendorsed the Free State Project project. He referred to the city of Keene, New Hampshire as "The northern capital of libertarianism"

Of course a libertarian enclave of like minded folks who just want their privacy and to live and let live is going to be targeted.  Earlier on this year Keene made national news when Mayor Kendall Lane was quoted as saying "We're going to have our own tank" as if they need one in a "quaint town of 23,000 -- scene of just two murders since 1999".  So it doesn't come as much surprise that a Pumpkin Festival in Keene had four sniper teams set up to keep an eye on the citizens.  

This still taken from a YouTube video comes from Information Liberation:

And the videos are from YouTube user LightspeedLiberty:


  1. fear mongerers. on the roofs were police officers with binoculars and cameras with long lenses in addition to hgtv film crews with their equipment. stop with the fear mongering.

  2. I appreciate your comment, I'm going based on what I learned from other sources. If you have any other sources or proof of your claims I would love to see them. I truly hope that they were just camera crews, it would make me feel much better about this country.
