Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cops Arrest 7 Kids for Throwing Water Balloons

“How he was taken down was the most disturbing because they took him down by his neck and slammed him,”

What was the horrendous crime that merited an officer of the law to slam a 16 year old boy to the ground?  A water balloon fight of course.  This reminds me ever so much of the man who was arrested for releasing balloons in to the air a few months ago.  Police truly have nothing better to do than harass other wise innocent people and treat them as if they are common scum.  The officers also seem to believe that it is their job to teach people lessons.  It is not an officers job to teach anyone anything, they should not feel as if they are there to mold the public in to their ideal world.  They are there to protect the public and protecting it from water balloons seems like quite a waste of time to me.  

The Raw Story explains the issue as such:

Seven teenage students in North Carolina were arrested on Thursday and charged with a misdemeanor for throwing water balloons during a school prank. A parent was also arrested during the incident.

Six of the teens were charged with disorderly conduct. The seventh was charged with assault and battery for hitting a school security officer with a balloon.

The parent who was arrested, Kevin Hines, told WBT News 13 he saw officers acting aggressively as he drove up to the school. Hines said he tried to enter the school to talk to the principle about the situation occurring outside, but police stopped him and threatened him with a stun gun. He was charged with second-degree trespassing.

So as officers are harassing, humiliating and bringing harm to children a concerned parent tries to make sure the kids are alright.  What happens, he is arrested.  Who in this situation is actually looking out for the public well being?  I think the answer is pretty obvious.  

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