Saturday, July 13, 2013

Man Riding a Bicycle Catheterized by Police to Test for DUI

This case boggles my mind, but I guess that happens regularly often with the absolute out of control police state we live in.  I would like to starts with a statement about man in question here:

He has since left the country and moved back to Venezuela where Barnes says he feels “much safer.”

He feels much  safer in Venezuela.  Do Ameircan's understand how dangerous this country is?  A country where you are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist.  We live in on one the most outrageously dangerous nations in the world.  InfoWars reported on this story as follows:

The officers made their way towards Barnes anyway and asked him for his ID. He told the officers that he had not violated any laws and wasn’t required to present his ID.
The cops continued to threaten and intimidate Barnes into providing his ID, but still he refused.
One of the officers then told Barnes that he witnessed him riding his bike standing up, which is a crime in the state of Oregon. Barnes was skeptical of the statute, so he asked the officer to provide the Oregon State Legislative numbers on the law. The officer denied knowing them and began to make calls on his radio.
Officer Joshua Wilson shortly arrived on the scene and started the interrogation on Barnes all over again, demanding he present his ID. Officer Wilson read the statute to Barnes and told him he was being charged with “failure to use a bicycle seat.”
The penalty for failing to use a bicycle seat under Oregon state law is a misdemeanor traffic violation.
So because this man was not sitting down while riding his bike the police ended up taking extremely harsh actions.
Once at the hospital, with Barnes on the verge of wetting his pants, Officer Wilson arrived with the signed warrant. While Barnes’ hands were handcuffed in the front, the officer escorted him into the restroom and instructed Barnes to urinate in the cup.
Barnes still refusing, urinated into the urinal but not the cup. Barnes said the officer then tried to grab his penis and the cup, attempting to force him to urinate into it. Failing at this attempt, Barnes said the officer became angry and pushed him hard against the wall causing Barnes to urinate on himself.
“By my own power I dropped to my knees and went face down on the ground, trying to pinch off my urine flow,” said Barnes.
“Officer Wilson then came over and stood with full force on the small of my back, applying painful pressure to my bladder which made it so I could not stop urinating. I remained on the bathroom floor in the hospital in a puddle of my own urine while he used his radio to call security.”
“I was then told they were going to catheterize me.”
In America if you ride your bike without being seated there is a chance you might be brought in to a hospital and stomped to the ground by an officer who forces you to lie in your own piss, then to be catheterized against your will.  
Barnes said, “After Officer Wilson and the others assisted the medical staff in removing my pants and underwear, he took my penis in his hands and forced a very long catheter into my urethra while I was screaming, crying, and very much sober and awake.”
“The invasion felt nothing short of rape. I screamed for an attorney and an impartial observer and received none. The pain was excruciating, the procedure was humiliating, and the worst wasn’t over.”
“Once officials got my sample and pulled the catheter out, the pain was so severe it induced an instant gag reflex, I vomited and dry heaved onto the floor. This was by far the worst pain and experience that ever happened to me.”
Is there any level of logic and reason in police officers?  Do they think that anyone who breaks any law should be treated like scum?  Do they believe that it is their right to administer punishment and teach people lessons about obeying authority?  Do they have any compassion for human beings? Are they actually here to protect and serve?  Seems to me that they are here to torture and terrorize people while protecting the elite and powerful.  

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