Sunday, June 23, 2013

An Open Letter from Inside the Most Insidious Police State to Ever Exist

Dear Citizens of the World,

I am an average American citizen.  This letter is to those citizens of the world who live in a place where true freedom still exists.  I'm not quite sure where these places are because the American media indoctrinates us all to believe that we are in the best place to live.  That the rest of the world is lesser than, or dangerous, or god forbid populated with dark skinned people.  We're told to keep paying our taxes and stop asking questions.  We're told that we're being listened to and watched for our own protection.  We're told that if it weren't for the massive federal government and their protection we would suffer attacks like the Boston Marathon every month.

Sadly that statement is a little backwards.  It is because of the federal government that we suffer any attacks at all.  It is because of the FBI that any underwear bombers or stock exchange attacks occur.  They reel patsies in claiming to help with the plan, provide most of if not all money and supplies, then arrest the person at the last minute.  In their minds they are getting someone off the street who had these plans fomenting to begin with.  But in reality most of these people were just crazy and would have never had the resources or will power to accomplish a true attack without the help of the feds at all.  So in order to justify their cut of the tax racket, every once in a while they have to set someone up to make it look like there is an actual threat to America.

So we live in a nation where our secret police are constantly spurring on people to attack America in order to later arrest them.  Is there any chance at all that once in a while these plans go awry and the planned set up turns in to a massacre?  It's possible.  We live in a nation where our secret police can go in to someones home claiming they are interrogating him.  Then when they leave the person has been shot 6 times, once in the head, and not a single officer on the scene can agree on why he was shot, yet their internal revue will almost certainly claim the shooting was justified.  Why is that?  Because any time a fed shoots someone they used their discretion, and a federal officers discretion is unquestionably reliable according to the government.  So even if the shooting kills the wrong person, that officer must have had a good reason in the moment to make that decision, so it is justified.

This is just the tip of the iceberg though when it comes to the subversion of American rights.  I understand that there are more brutal regimes in the world.  But there is no other regime whose tactics are so nefarious and have the potential to effect so many people.  The American government has run amok.  Their enforcers are allowed to kill anyone they want.  The politicians are no longer representative of the people.  The medical industry is held back by so much bureaucratic bullshit that they can hardly care for sick people.  School teachers are forced to teach to standardized tests rather than possibly be able to teach to an individual students strengths.  Our corporate controlled media is spied upon and held back from reporting any true news and those that do real investigative journalism are found dead in suspicious car wrecks.  Our entire society is crumbling and it is not due to any actions taken directly by the American people as a whole.  It is directly due to a very limited amount of people in power who want to seize control over all sectors of the American frontier.    

So what I ask of all informed people's of the world is this.  Please don't blame us for what is happening and what is surely to occur in the not to distant future.  We need help!  Please send humanitarian aid to our inner cities.  Please send international monitors to help stop the massive election fraud that has become the norm in this nation.  Please send an occupying force to invade Washington and allow the people the chance to be truly free.  Not with the implementation of a new government but with the abolishment of government entirely.  Please help us, we cannot fight this runaway government on our own.  They are too powerful.  We need the help of the international community to finally take back the power and hand it to those who deserve it, the people.  Once the American government is abolished we can focus on the rest of their puppets.  But without taking out the puppet masters any attempts to change the world will be nearly impossible.

This is a letter from inside the most insidious police state to ever exist.  Where the most people are held behind bars than any other nation on the planet.  Where average citizens are afraid day in and day out that they could be the next victim in an unjust drug war.  A place that has multiple major cities where gunshots can be expected nearly every night. We live in a constant war zone.  Not quite as hot or dangerous as some of the most dangerous nations on the planet, but that doesn't make it any less real.  What the youth of the world are learning, through Twitter, Occupations and ubiquitous Internet connections is that we are no longer living in a world where it is nation against nation.  We live in a world where it is the poor against the rich, where it is the young against the old.  We live in a world where the elite are trying to subdue us all and if we do not soon join forces for a global fight against tyranny, there may not be much left to fight for.

An Average American Citizen

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