Saturday, June 15, 2013

Why I Hate America

When I moved away from New York to live in the greener pastures of Texas it dawned on me that people on the East Coast, from my perspective, think of themselves as better than the rest of the country.  New Yorkers specifically.  The rest of the country is considered fly over, or drive through, on the way to California.  Somehow those on the west coast and those on the east coast have come to a point where their idea's and opinions are affecting the entirety of the country.  As if the other 48 states opinions are inferior since they're just hicks and rednecks.  They are part of The Tea Party and live for guns and religion.  This is at least what the liberal establishment would lead you to believe.  Don't get me wrong the conservative establishment makes terrible claims in just the same manner, and I do not support them either.

Then I move to a place like Texas, and I learn that the rest of the country is not only just as good as New York, it is multitudes of times better!  Somehow the people of NY have convinced themselves they are the end all be all.  In a nation that holds itself above the rest of the world, there are certain states that hold themselves above the rest of the nation.  Then on the opposite side of things is the "lesser" states thinking of the more powerful states as crime ridden hell holes, with very little morals or convictions.  Maybe they are right about certain areas, but of course the general assumptions on anybody's part about an area of the world they have never been to is usually incorrect.

With all of that said, the reason I get in to the idea of New Yorkers considering themselves better than the rest of the nation is this.  When I do finally leave the country I cannot wait to get to a place that I can say "Goddam, why did I ever think living in America was so nice?"  Why do Americans think the rest of the world is just for vacations and wars?  We treat people from these other nations as if they are lesser than us, and refuse to learn their languages when we visit their countries yet expect them to learn English in our country.  When I say "we", of course I mean the general American public, because I am not part of that tribal mentality.  I am not American, I am a free individual living on American soil.

A piece of paper, birth certificate, drivers license, that does not make me American.

My own personal self identifications are what make me, me.  No one else can label me as part of their tribe without my consent.  Just because I was born here and forced to become part of the society does not mean I should always be labeled as such.  Just like I distanced myself from the religion I was born in to, so too can I distance myself from the nationality I had no choice over becoming.  Not to mention my true disgust in how and where my taxes are spent, I can no longer in good consciousness contribute to this society.  It is literally a crumbling mess on it's way to dissolution.

You are 8 time more likely to be killed buy a police officer than a terrorist.

Doctors kill 2450% more Americans than all gun-related deaths combined.

The current president promised to end warrantless wiretapping, yet has expanded it beyond the former presidents wildest dreams.

Schools are no longer there to expand the minds of American youth but to limit them to state sponsored propaganda or prepare them for jail.

Yet somehow Americans are still diluted enough to believe they live in the best country in the world.  


Yeah we're number one in:
Fast Food & Soda
Divorce Rate
Teen Pregnancy
Child Abuse Death Rate
School Shootings
Mental Disorders

We are a land of laws.  Yet somehow we're free?!  We're only as free as the government wants to allow us to be at any given time.  In reality we are one of the least free nations on the planet if you look at all the laws that forbid an assortment of absurd things.  Those who say they have nothing to hide from the NSA aren't aware that they probably commit three felonies a day without even realizing it.  So yes today you are "free" to go about your business without fear of prosecution.  However when the NSA has EVERYTHING on file and listens to EVERYTHING you say at some point they may decide to just start rounding up all the law breakers in the country.

In North Korea weed is legal.  There isn't much else worth visiting North Korea for, but the fact is they are one of the only nations in the world that hasn't criminalized this specific plant.  The citizens of North Korea are inundated with state sponsored propaganda which tells them to worship their dear leader and be proud of their national status.  They believe they live in a great nation, at least in public they make it seem as such.  Now compare that to America.  While we have access to real knowledge on the internet, most of us are inundated with state sponsored propaganda (Fox News, CNN, MSNBC) that tells us not to listen to the alternative media and that we are the best country in the world.  We worship our dear leader with a cult of personality while most of us have no legitimate reason to support BHO.

He's promised to:

- Create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners
- Lift the payroll tax cap on earnings above $250,000
- Forbid companies in bankruptcy from giving executives bonuses
- Allow imported prescription drugs
- Allow Medicare to negotiate for cheaper drug prices
- Provide the CDC $50 million in new funding to determine the most effective approaches for cancer patient care
- Require employers to provide seven paid sick days per year
- Close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center
- Restore habeas corpus rights for "enemy combatants"
- Seek independent watchdog agency to investigate congressional ethics violations
- Allow five days of public comment before signing bills
- Increase the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour
- Support human mission to moon by 2020
- Establish a Global Energy Corps to promote green energy in developing countries
- Require 25 percent renewable energy by 2025
- No family making less than $250,000 will see "any form of tax increase."
- Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

Which one of these did he hold his word about?  None of them!  Not a single one!  So why does anyone still support him?  Is it the Republicans in Congress who hold him back?  I think not.  It's the lobbyist on K Street who hold him back from keeping any of these promises.  He'd rather have campaign funds from rich donors than actually keep a promise he made to lowly citizens.  Americans are so naive to believe that the next president is going to be any better than the last.  


Elite globalists choose who to put up on a platform and then tell their news agencies how to report on it in order to sway the popular vote to their benefit.  In reality though either candidate has been chosen by them and will bow to their demands once they are inaugurated.  Presidents are a front man for the real power brokers of the world.  Wall Street, Bankers, CEO's, and mega rich families who have been consolidating world power for decades if not centuries.  

Yet we allow this to continue, even though so many of us claim to know that politicians lie and that it is a choice between the lesser of two evils, we still allow it to continue.  As if there is no alternative, as if everyone is corrupt so we should just expect this to be the way the world is.  This is not the way the world is though.  It is just how it is right now, right here, and that is because we have allowed it to become such.  Just like we can disallow it to continue by not submitting to the demands of those who should in reality have no power over you as an individual.  What makes a president or a senator or a judge more noble and honorable than you?  Why can you not govern yourself?  Why can't we all govern ourselves?  Do we really fear our true natures that much that we believe without government the country would descend in to chaos?  

Are we that immoral and debased as a society that we need men with guns to tell us what we are and are not allowed to do day in and day out?  Can we not make up our own decisions on what is best for our own lives or are we subjected to the will of the majority to point the governments guns at the minority in order to follow their demands.  I'm sorry to say this, but with the limited education most Americans have (and by education I don't mean schooling), the lack of interest they take in actual world events and the sources they do get their information from, none of you should be allowed to vote.  We should get voting licenses like driving licenses and unless you can pass a test which indicates you can vote with an educated opinion, you are not allowed to vote.  

Even beter, we stop voting all together, kick all three branches of government out of power and bring it back to the people.  Again we should be able to govern ourselves, start self sustaining communities and join with like minded people.  We should not vote for someone to make all our decisions for us as if we are children.  Although most of you might as well be actually, so I guess in reality all of this was wasted "breath".  Anyone who read all the way through probably already knew this all and anyone who could benefit from this information is too dumb to spend the time reading it.  So as a country you get what you deserve and what you ask for.  An immoral and unjust police state, a medical industry concerned more with wealth than health, politicians who are expected to lie which gives them free reign to do so, and a public who just goes along for the ride.  


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